Projets Proof of Concept de la 4ème mise au concours prêts à démarrer

Ces sept jeunes chercheuses et chercheurs bénéficieront ainsi de subsides afin de mettre en œuvre leurs idées de projet :

  • Timothé Laforest, EPFL, Ex-vivo functional imaging of the neuro-retina
  • Kevin Mamalis, HEIG-VD, Novel additive manufacturing method to produce silicone parts
  • Clara Moldovan, EPFL, Carbon Nanotube Array Supercapacitors for High-Power High-Density Energy Storage
  • Paola Occhetta, UniBS, uKnee: a 3D miniaturized in vitro platform to screen candidate anti-osteoarthritis drugs
  • Wuwei Ren, ETHZ, KaleiBox: a portable device for multifunctional fluorescence tomography
  • Tiziano Serra, AO Foundation, 3D Sound Induced Morphogenesis (3D-SIM)
  • Saurabh Tembhurne, EPFL, SoHHytec – Onsite Fuel & Power Generation and Storage System using A Concentrated Integrated Photo-Electrochemical Device