BRIDGE in the media
10.03.2025, myScience, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Shamiek Mangipudi
BRIDGE Proof of Concept Grant for the STRIDE Project
06.03.25, Horizons, feat. BRIDGE Proof of Concept Fellows Stephan Steiner with a-metal, Maxim Karpov with Enlightra and Antoine Delgoffe with Cassio-P
The laser beam – an all-purpose tool
30.01.25,, feat. BRIDGE Proof of Concept fellow Donato Rubinetti with Ionic Wind Technologies
Ionic wind technology: Empa spin-off awarded - Energy-efficient cooling thanks to ionic wind
05.12.24, Horizons, feat. BRIDGE Proof of Concept fellow Samantha Anderson with DePoly
A plastic phoenix rising from the ashes of recycling
26.10.24, BBC News, feat BRIDGE Proof of Concept fellow Iwan Hächler with Solabs Nanotechnology
Could this new tech stop your glasses from fogging up?
16.10.24, Forbes, feat. BRIDGE Proof of Concept fellow Nicole Kleger with sallea
Turning Lab-Grown Meat Into A Multi-Billion Dollar Market With Sallea
19.09.24, ARCInfo, feat. BRIDGE Proof of Concept fellow Antoine Delgoffe with Cassio-P
Les finalistes du Prix BCN Innovation: Cassio-P a la tête dans les étoiles
17.09.24, PME, feat. BRIDGE Proof of Concept fellow Kevin Kempter with Elderly
«L’innovation sociale n’est pas assez reconnue en Suisse»
11.09.24, Alma&Georges, feat. BRIDGE Proof of Concept fellow Timur Ashirov with SEPARATIC
De la science à l’entrepreneuriat, l’innovation en action
05.09.24, Horizons, feat. BRIDGE Proof of Concept fellow Géraldine Gubser with Food Brewer
29.08.24, 20 Minuten, feat. BRIDGE Proof of Concept fellow Moritz Futscher with BTRY
«Wir können superschnell laden»
25.06.2024, Radio SRF, with Discovery project from Daniel Kübler
Bevölkerungsrat: Das Erforschen neuer Demokratieformen
24.06.2024, Radio SRF1, with Discovery project from Yvonne Fabian
Schweizer Nassreis ist ein Nischenprodukt mit Potenzial
06.06.2024, Horizons, In the land of spin-offs
06.06.2024, Horizons, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Hélène Iven with Digit Soil
Fertilising only when necessary
03.06.2024, myScience, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Aaron Petruzzella
Antibody-peptide inhibitor conjugates: a new path for cancer therapy
08.05.2024, punkt4info, feat. Proof of Concept felllow Stephan Steiner with a-metal
a-metal lanciert Pilotprojekt für 3D-Druck
22.04.2024, Schweizerischer Baumeisterverband, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Panagiotis Martakis with irmos technologies
Die unsichtbaren Helden: KI im Einsatz zur Rettung unserer Infrastruktur
08.04.2024, myScience, with Discovery project from Sebastian Gliga
05.04.2024, Anzeiger Region Bern, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Sabrina Stöckli with Santella
Zum Wohl von Huhn, Mensch und Umwelt
11.03.2024, myScience, feat. Discovery project “ProTex”
Smart protection for delicate skin
07.03.2024, myScience, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Kevin Turani-I-Belloto
Getting hydrogen out of ammonia
29.01.2024, RTS Radio Télevision Suisse, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Kevin Kempter with Elderli (@52:20)
14.12.2023, BFH Story, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Emily Thompson with Pace Locator
Ein Herz für die Sicherheit von Herzschrittmachern01.11.2023, BFH Story, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Patricia Frey with ONEDU
Migrant Birth Kit: Geburtsvorbereitungskurse für Migrantinnen07.09.2023, Horizons, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Maxim Karpov with Enlightra
Ultra-high speed fibre optics using frequency combs10.08.2023, GEN, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Mandy Boontanrart with Ariya Bio
Delta Force: Scientists Promote Novel Globin Genetic Therapy for Sickle Cell Disease27.06.2023, Forbes, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Samantha Anderson with Depoly
How DePoly Hopes To Solve The International Plastics Crisis05.05.2023, Der Spiegel, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Alessandro Morra with Ascento
Wenn der Roboter auf Patrouille geht05.05.2023, KunststoffXtra, with AEROSENSE, Discovery project from Sarah Barber
Überwachung von Windturbinen neu gedacht26.04.2023, Forbes, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Samuel Hess with UniSieve
Shrinking The Chemicals Industry’s Carbon Footprint With UniSieve20.04.2023, Handelzeitung, with Proof of Concept project Recolony
Recolony: Mit Bakterien gegen Krebs05.04.2023, RTS Radio Télevision Suisse, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Lukas Schertel with Impossible Materials
Une start-up fribourgeoise développe une alternative au dioxyde de titane avec de la cellulose30.03.2023, RTS Radio Télevision Suisse, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Vincent Widmer with Beekee (@52:12)
Forum des Idées – BeeKee, un mini-réseau pour enseigner sans électricité02.03.2023, punkt4info, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Florence Olivia von Gunten with YLAH
Venture Fellow der Universität Bern erhält BRIDGE-Förderung02.03.2023, Horizons, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Margaux Peltier with Enerdrape
Renewable energy under our feet14.02.2023, Competence, feat. Discovery fellow Ursula Wolf with Sensawear
Mit smarter Kleidung gegen Druckverletzungen03.02.2023, Der Landbote, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Davide Paparo with CLARA
Sie erhalten Fördergelder für die Start-up-Gründung24.01.2023, FHNews, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Patricia Frei with ONEDU
Migrant Birth Kit – das neue Projekt zweier ehemaliger Hebammenstudierenden und Gründerinnen von ONEDU2022
12.12.2022,, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Davide Paparo with CLARA
Schub für Wintherthurer Medtech-Startup12.09.2022, 20 Minuten, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Ana Montalban-Arques with Recolony
«Durchbruch des Jahres» – Zürcher Start-up will Krebs besiegen05.04.2022,, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Zuzana Sediva with Groam
Sustainable foam made from agricultural waste21.03.2022, myScience, feat. Discovery team of Bradley Nelson, Dario Floreano and Joris Pascal
Nontoxic, variable-stiffness threads for dexterous cardiac catheters02.02.2022, Polyscope, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Dea Wehrli with Ecowork
Nachhaltige Verarbeitung von Elektroschrott11.02.2022, Netzwoche, feat. Discovery fellow Prof. Breymann with DaDFiR3
Schweizer Forscher tüfteln an automatisierter Bankenaufsicht28.01.2022, FINEWS, feat. Discovery fellow Prof. Breymann with DaDFiR3
Schweizer Forscher tüfteln an automatisierter Bankenaufsicht12.01.2022, moneycab, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Felix Bünning with viboo
Wenn der Algorithmus am Thermostat dreht2021
20.12.2021, Schaffhausen24, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Felix Bünning with viboo
Innovativ Energie sparen18.12.2021, BusinessLink, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Michele Gregorini with Diaxxo
Schnelle PCR-Tests per Knopfdruck05.07.2021, punkt 4 info, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Tino Töpper with Bottmedical
Bottmedical schafft Markteinstieg mit innovativer Zahnspange01.07.2021, Le Temps, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Jonas Pollard with Hemolytics
Covid et malaria, même combat30.06.2021, punkt 4 info, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Fajer Mushtaq with Oxyle
Oxyle erhält 3,2 Millionen Franken03.06.2021, Horizons The Swiss Research Magazine, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Fajer Mushtaq with Oxyle
An innovative catalyst makes wastewater hormones harmless03.06.2021, Health Europa, feat. Discovery fellow Nelly Pitteloud
Detecting burnout through sweat with a wearable sensor2020
20.11.2020, Le Temps, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Samantha Anderson with DePoly
Pour Samantha Anderson, «il ne devrait pas y avoir des amoncellements de plastique au fond des océans»22.09.2020, ZHAW Impact, feat. Discovery fellow Rebecca Buller
Die Enzymtrainerin28.07.2020, Le Temps, SNSF & Innosuisse
«La Suisse n’était pas préparée à la bonne crise»18.07.2020, NZZ am Sonntag, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Gnanli Landrou with Oxara
Das ETH-Wunderkind, das erst mit 16 zur Schule ging04.06.2020, ee news, feat. Discovery fellow Sarah Barber with AEROSENSE
Aero Sense: Komplexe aerodynamische und akustische Verhalten von Rotorblätter verstehen – Leistungsverbesserungen im Visier05.03.2020, Radio Zürisee, feat. Microcaps, co-funded by Proof of Concept fellow Alessandro Ofner
Radio Beitrag über Microcaps18.02.2020, Migros Magazine, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Olga Dubey with AgroSustain
Coup de jeune pour les fruits et légumes11.02.2020, Le Temps, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Mario Michan with Daphne Technology
Transformer le gaz des navires en engrais, le pari fou de Daphne Technology24.01.2020, 24heures, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Christoph Geers with NanoLockin
Du «nano» dans le chocolat? Il faudra l’indiquer21.01.2020, HES-SO, feat. Discovery fellow Flavio Noca with WindShape
FNS et Innosuisse soutiennent les souffleries pour drones08.01.2020, L’AGEFI, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Mario Michan with Daphne Technology
Daphne Technology prévoit de doubler ses effectifs à Saint-Sulpice2019
16.12.2019, RTS Radio Télevision Suisse, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Olga Dubey with AgroSustain (@28:04)
Aujourd’hui- qui aura marqué 2019?02.12.2019, RTS La 1ère, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Etienne Jeoffroy with FenX
L’isolant écolo qui résiste au feu20.11.2019, La Revue Polytechnique, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Ian Rousseau with Hexisense
Une puce qui mesure le vide03.07.2019, Laborscope, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Steven Schmitt with Myria Biosciences
Flemings Methode im Miniformat30.06.2019, Impact ZHAW, feat. Discovery fellow Rebecca Buller
Neue Lösungsansätze gegen Antibiotika-Resistenzen17.05.2019, Tages-Anzieger, feat. Discovery fellow Emma Slack
Die Mikroben-Versteherin17.05.2019, Bote, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Fajer Mushtaq with Oxyle
Neue Methode zur effizienten Abwasserklärung17.05.2019, Südostschweiz, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Fajer Mushtaq with Oxyle
ETH entwickelt neue Methode zur Beseitigung von Problemstoffen07.03.2019, Swiss Engineering RTS, BRIDGE Discovery
Bridge Discovery: forte participation des HES06.03.2019, Zürichsee-Zeitung, feat. Discovery fellow Rebecca Buller
Wädenswiler Forscher suchen Lösungen gegen Antibiotika-Resistenzen12.02.2019, AGEFI, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Olga Dubey with AgroSustain
Plusieurs Romands dans la liste européenne 30 under 30 de Forbes2018
29.09.2018, Women in Business, feat. Annalise Eggimann, CEO Innosuisse
Wenn Innovation zum Business wird28.09.2018, universitas, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Jonas Pollard with Hemolytics
La course aux bourses13.08.2018, ROi, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Catalina Jossen Cardozo with By Maria
Kopf der Woche: Catalina Jossen Cardozo27.06.2018, Luzerner Zeitung, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Catalina Jossen Cardozo with By Maria
Luzerner Studentin bringt Menschen und Schuhe ins Gleichgewicht20.06.2018, zentralplus, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Catalina Jossen Cardozo with By Maria
Luzernerin lanciert Onlineplattform für Schuhe03.06.2018, 20 minutes, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Jonas Pollard with Hemolytics
L’éradication de la malaria pourrait venir de Fribourg01.06.2018, Friedrich Miescher Institute, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Andrew Seeber
Translating fundamental discoveries to potential application2017
22.12.2017, ArcInfo, BRIDGE Discovery
Un robot pour opérer la colonne vertébrale développé en partenariat par le CSEM21.12.2017, myScience, BRIDGE Discovery
Sensor-enhanced surgical robot enables highly precise and safe spinal operations13.10.2017, Hochschule Luzern / Das Magazin, feat. Proof of Concept fellow Catalina Jossen Cardozo with By Maria
Anpacken, wo der Schuh drückt