
For experienced researchers

The regulations and documents have been updated. Please check that you are using the latest versions of the project description and checklist.

Who can apply for a grant?

  • You are carrying out research at a Swiss university, federal institute of technology, university of applied sciences and arts, other research institution as defined by the Federal Act on the Promotion of Research and Innovation (RIPA; Article 4 & Article 5External Link Icon).
  • You have the skills required to lead a research project independently.
  • You are able to manage the project’s scientific and non-scientific staff.
  • You are submitting your proposal as a single applicant or as part of a small consortium (maximum of three applicants).
  • 1. Applicant requirements

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    • For the duration of the project, you will be employed by a Swiss research institution as defined by Articles 4 and 5 of the RIPAExternal Link Icon.
    • You are employed with a workload of at least 50% full-time equivalent (FTE).
    • You are able to successfully run a research project and manage the project’s scientific and non-scientific staff.
    • You will make a substantial contribution to the proposed project and are able to work independently without receiving instructions from third parties.
    • The research facilities necessary are available to you.

    For applications submitted by a consortium of up to three applicants, each of you:

    • Must satisfy the eligibility requirements for applications.
    • Must be part of a different and independent research group.
    • Is personally responsible for the project.


    • If you are employed on a temporary contract, ensure that you provide proof that your institution will employ you for the duration of the project.
    • Check that each member of the consortium is eligible. If in doubt, contact the BRIDGE office.
    • If you can’t find your research institution on the list of universities and research institutions on mySNF, contact the BRIDGE office.
  • 2. Project requirements

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    • Your project aims to develop innovative products or services, social innovations and further commercial or non-commercial solutions based on the findings of your research.
    • Your project is based on research that has been peer reviewed, published or backed up by other work.


    • There must be a balance between the scientific and implementation parts of the project. Set out a clear strategy for achieving societal impact and/or bringing your innovation to market.
    • The evaluation criteria include the project’s commitment to sustainable development and impact on the economy, society and the environment.

What you get from BRIDGE

  • We will fund your project for up to four years.
  • The maximum total costs must not exceed 850,000 Swiss francs per applicant over four years.
  • We will cover salary costs for project employees as well as expenses directly related to running your project.
  • Coverage of applicant salaries is not included in the BRIDGE Discovery budget. Applicants employed by a university of applied sciences and arts or by a university of teacher education or by the CSEM may, however, receive a salary supplement under certain conditions.

From the idea to the decision

  • 1. Checking the criteria

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    The regulations set out in detail the criteria and general conditions that your project must meet.

    Regulations (PDF)
    Checklist (PDF)


    • Carefully read the evaluation criteria outlined in the regulations (PDF).
    • BRIDGE Discovery does not support projects focused on research only. Do not overlook the implementation part of your project.
    • Collaborations between universities, federal institutes of technology and research institutions on the one hand, and universities of applied sciences (UAS), and universities of teacher education (UTE) on the other, are looked upon favourably during the evaluation process.
    • The evaluation criteria include the project’s commitment to sustainable development and impact on the economy, society and the environment.
  • 2. Submitting the project proposal

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    You can submit your project proposal at mysnf.chExternal Link Icon. Please use the forms and templates provided.

    Regulations (PDF)
    Checklist (PDF)
    Project description template (Word)


    • Check the regulations (PDF) to ensure that the requested budget only includes eligible costs.
  • 3. Initial check

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    Based on the criteria set out in the regulations (PDF), the BRIDGE office will check the documents submitted and inform applicants if they are ineligible.


    • Your application will be checked in the days following the application deadline. You will have two days to make any corrections; so make sure you are available to update your proposal after the application deadline has passed.
  • 4. Application evaluation

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    Based on the criteria set out in the regulations (PDF) and taking into account the opinion of outside experts, the evaluation panel will assess applications received and draw up an initial shortlist.

    Evaluation form – BRIDGE Discovery (version March 2025)External Link Icon


    • Be patient: if you are shortlisted for a personal presentation, you will be informed a week before the interview date at the latest. You will also be informed if your project has not been shortlisted. Please wait until you have received the decision letter before contacting the BRIDGE office.
  • 5. Personal presentation

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    • If your project is shortlisted, the evaluation panel will invite you to a personal interview.
    • You will present your project and answer questions from members of the panel.


    • Your presentation must take the form of a pitch that is clear and understandable for people who are not experts in the field.
    • It must also outline your implementation plan and the roles of different partners during the project.
    • Guidelines on the content of the presentation will be sent with the interview invitation.
  • 6. Decision

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    • The evaluation panel will submit its recommendations to the Steering Committee for a final decision.
    • You will be informed of the decision in writing, usually within six months of submitting your application.


    • If your project is rejected, carefully read the decision letter and contact the BRIDGE office if you have any questions.
    • A rejected application may be re-submitted once if it is revised compared to the first version.